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Our Trust of Schools


The School Centred Initial Teacher Training PGCE programme in Computer Science prepares students to teach in Secondary Schools. All trainees, whether coming straight from university or from an industrial/commercial background, will follow a core syllabus focusing on the knowledge and skills required to teach at Key Stage 3, 4 and beyond.

Trainees will study a wide range of Computer Science topics such as visual programming, programming languages, web programming, game design and more, which they can then put into practice at their two Secondary school placements. They will learn not only the practical skills, but also the pedagogy of teaching such a complex and rapidly changing subject.

The PGCE programme aims to produce reflective teachers who are able to evaluate and further develop their own subject and teaching skills.


You must apply to join this course on the DfE Apply website. You will need to use the Provider Code S66 and following code on your application. 

If applying specifically for one of our Hub Schools please use the following codes:

Lipson Co-operative Academy Hub please add the Location Code Y

Subject Code
Computer Science 2DY2